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{GET} OP-Craft - One Piece Mod 1.7.10/1.7.4/1.7.2

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Kitka3 !

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POSTS : 170
INSCRIPTION : 25/06/2015

{GET} OP-Craft - One Piece Mod 1.7.10/1.7.4/1.7.2 Empty
MessageSujet: {GET} OP-Craft - One Piece Mod 1.7.10/1.7.4/1.7.2 {GET} OP-Craft - One Piece Mod 1.7.10/1.7.4/1.7.2 Icon_minitimeVen 31 Juil - 13:26

{GET} OP-Craft - One Piece Mod 1.7.10/1.7.4/1.7.2


This Mod combines the Anime/Manga One Piece and Minecraft. The Mod adds Devil Fruits, Weapons, Food and other Stuff for the One Piece Universe.
Note: This Mod will include stuff from the current Japanese Anime/Manga.

- Devil Fruits:
- Gum-Gum Fruit (Luffy)
- Clear-Clear Fruit
- OP-OP Fruit (Trafalgar Law)
- Tremor-Tremor Fruit (Whitebeard)
- Dark-Dark Fruit (Blackbeard)
- Paw-Paw Fruit (Bartholomew Kuma)
- Revive-Revive Fruit (Brook)
- Slow-Slow Fruit (Foxy)
- Flame-Flame Fruit (Ace)
- Rumble-Rumble Fruit (Enel)
- Ice-Ice Fruit (Kuzan)
- Glint-Glint Fruit (Borsalino)
- Magma-Magma Fruit (Sakazuki)
- and many more!
- Weapons:
- Zorros swords: Wado-Ichi-Monji, Kitetsu and Shuusui
- Namis Clima-Tact
- Usopps Kabuto
- Dials
- ...
- Mobs:
- Snails (you can make them to Transponder Snails)
- Pirates
- Marine soilders
- Traders
- Fish
- Sea Kings
- ...
- Other Stuff:
- Rumble Balls (for Chopper)
- Cola for Franky
- Milk for Brook
- Wapometal
- Steel
- Transponder Snails
- Kairoseki (Seastone)
- Vivre Card
- Log Pose
- Devil Fruit Encyclopedia
- Berry (Currency)


Minecraft One Piece Mod 1.7.10 Download
Minecraft One Piece Mod 1.7.4 Download
Minecraft One Piece Mod 1.7.2 Download
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{GET} OP-Craft - One Piece Mod 1.7.10/1.7.4/1.7.2

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